Medical technology is constantly changing and improving. People are now able to achieve the look they desire without surgery. Non-surgical treatments include lasers and injectable cosmetic treatments for facial rejuvenation. Located in Plano, Dr. Patrick Obasi of Noble Cosmetic Surgery offers Kybella treatment to help patients eliminate unwanted fat under their chins.
Kybella is a product from Allergan, the makers of Botox and Juvéderm. As an FDA-approved injectable treatment, Kybella is used to reduce fullness under the chin. It is a way to get rid of your double chin without surgery and without scars.
During your consultation, discuss your medical history and expectations with Dr. Obasi so your treatment can be customized to meet your needs. Kybella is a synthetic deoxycholic acid used to destroy fat cells. Performed right in the office, your treatment can be done in 15-20 minutes. No surgery or general anesthesia is needed.
Every patient is different. Some patients have a small amount of fat and may only need a single treatment. Most patients require more than one session; some may need up to six treatments to achieve the desired outcome. Treatments are performed at least one month apart. Some side effects may occur. Swelling, bruising, and numbness are common, but will subside as the product begins to break down fat cells. You will have noticeable effects after a single treatment.
Kybella can improve the appearance of your chin and neck. In addition to helping you feel better about your appearance, Kybella has several benefits.
- It is FDA-approved to remove excess fat cells under the chin.
- No surgery is required.
- The destroyed fat cells are gone forever.
Call Noble Cosmetic Surgery at 214 – 617-1672 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Patrick Obasi.